Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I am reading Mercy by Jodi Picoult. One of the main characters in the novel is Cameron McDonald, police chief of a small town in Massachusetts. One day his cousin Jamie comes to him to tell him that he has killed his wife out of mercy because she was suffering from cancer. Cameron has to make the tough decision to arrest his own cousin. Now, aiding the prosecution side, Cameron is at odds with his devoted wife Allie who is awestruck by the idea of a man being so in love with his wife that he would grant all her wishes, even death. If you were in the same situation as Jamie, would you be able to murder the person you love out of mercy?


  1. I would not be able to murder the person I love out of mercy. Even though they are suffering, I would do everything I could to make them feel more comfortable until it was their time to pass. I would forever live with the guilt and not knowing how much longer they would have had on this earth if it wasn’t for me.

  2. Being put in a situation where you know something is wrong but having to do it anyways is always hard. I can’t even imagine having to hit somebody, none the less having to kill someone, but not just anyone but your loved one. I would never be able to complete this task no matter how hard someone was begging me to. I would forever feel guilty and bad. I think if his wife truly wanted that then it was good he did it however.

  3. No i wouldn't be able to take a life i can't even take the life of a bug. But the reason I wouldn't is because death isn't something to be wished for and everyone has something big in their life waiting to be reached.

  4. I would not be able to murder that person I love. Because, is not my choice to just murder someone just because there suffering. Maybe they might be suffering know but they might get better. You never know if they are fighting for their life and nobody has the right to takes a person’s life.

  5. I don’t think I would be able to kill anyone, even out of love and it was their wish. It’s one thing to take someone off of life support; it’s another to deliberately take the life of someone. The wife could have gotten better, and could have had many more happy years. You may think it’s out of love, but if they really loved you in return, they wouldn’t ask that of you, knowing you’d be left with the guilt for the rest of your life.

  6. With the values that I have set for myself, I would not be able to kill someone that I love and care so much about. Murder is murder; there is no other way around it. I would be furious if I found my cousin killed my beloved out of mercy. It’s wrong, cruel, hurtful, and shameful. I would be giving a piece of my mind to my cousin. I would be in so much more hurt then I already was, I would no longer affiliate with cousin. I would cut them out of my life; I mean would be so distraught after finding that out.

  7. I dont think I would be able to kill someone I love out of mercy. I would feel really bad for them suffering and the pain they are going through. But I have a really soft heart and killing someone is just wrong. I could not live with the guilt for the rest of my life.

  8. Euthanasia has been a long debated topic and a difficult one. Nobody wants to watch their loved ones suffer, but the law is the law. I believe I would follow the doctors orders and do my best to support my loved one as they battle to the end. On the other hand, I have not had to watch someone die in this manner so I cannot judge either.
